The following data layers are classified as one of the following: Available, Limited, Unavailable, and/or Searchable.
The following map layers are available for Charlotte County, FL and are classified as either basemaps or overlay layers.
This is the default basemap and shows high-resolution satellite imagery of Charlotte County, FL as the basemap.
This is useful if you need very high contrast visuals for your basemap.
This basemap shows the topographical detail of the land in Charlotte County, FL to better illustrate features like mountains, valleys, rivers, etc., if any.
As the name suggests, this map shows the most detail with regard to roads and other transportation systems in Charlotte County, FL.
A minimalist look to help you accentuate the other layers that may be added to the map.
This layer adds an overlay with traffic data for - Average Annual Daily Traffic. It provides both numeral and color-coded representations of how heavily travelled each of the main roadways are in Charlotte County, FL .
This is a very simple layer which overlays the map with shaded regions representing boundaries for Charlotte County, FL zip codes. The codes are shown when this overlay layer is hovered over.
This overlay layer shows the median income for each census tract and is represented both by color-coded shading as well as an actual number that can be seen when hovering over the shaded region.
This layer adds road lines and labels to any of the basemaps. For the satellite basemap, this layer is activated automatically but can be manually removed by the user.